Anastazija Pirnat (Open Atelier)

This Open Atelier was in a way the first one in the classical sense, even when there were the open atelier of Katja Felle, the young creative from Syria, Noor Bali and the Open Atelier we dedicated to Arte Utile and its documentation in the past. The difference of this one of Anastazija Pirnat is that this one is the first open atelier in our new spaces; the building owned by our city, that we during that time forced through a structured dialogue to become a subsidized one, as infrastructure fostering civil cohesion and non-governmental activities and players registered in the municipality.

The other difference and this is a quite decisive difference is that this Open Atelier was dislocated from the physical space of raum AU, and therefore a real and authentic intimate atelier in the real sense of the word and not as in the above-mentioned cases merely a way of playing with the format of presenting contemporary arts and artists.

Anastazija, that time heading towards the end of her studies, had no place to work and as the entire house was more or less empty, besides one other association, the društvo spektakularnost glasbe, we thought to host Anastazija as our first guest artist.

As the idea of running an open atelier within this infrastructure, was on one hand aimed towards supporting upcoming artists but on the other hand, aimed to contribute a changing artistic focal point to an entire community of non-governmental organizations working on a daily basis in this area.

The elevated curiosity towards the opening event, held at the end of Anastazijas time in our atelier expressed in the amount of visitors, – thank you Anstazija, thanks for all the curiosity besides our community.