This project was already the third project this year we did with Jože Aberšek. His sympathy gets the people working with him involved, his workshops are simply entertaining.
In this case, in cooperation with the city administration, the local JSKD (amateurs’ art fund) we engaged in a vitalization activity for the oldest street of Slovenj Gradec, the Meškova Ulica. The idea, borrowed from our Art goes City initiatives (Jean Toche, Costantino Ciervo, Ivana Spinelli) during the early years, where we did not dispose over an exhibition space, which was exactly aimed to do the same thing with our Glavni Trg, the main square.
On occasion of the opening, the director of Spotur, the city management of Slovenj Gradec, as well as the newly elected major Tilen Klugler were present. We talked about what has been done and what could be done in future – thanks ABA and thanks to the pupils from the Druga Osnovna Šola Slovenj Gradec and PUM-o (MOCIS) for being part of this.