Arte Utile (AU) Artist Residency

This artist residency is something we wanted to realize for a long time now. We never had, nor the financial capacity, nor the right idea where to publish and promote a residency program, once it should become possible.

Now we have begun to sort the heritage of Pino Poggi to make it researchable, the Pino Poggi studio was finished and the new raum AU in the HABitat, which has a separate workshop, planed our way.  We put out the info immediately, mid 2020.

We tried to keep in line with other residencies all over Europe, we did send some mails and registered with some networks of residencies, although COVID-19 came along and most of our activities were first shaken by the shock.

A year later, in summer 2021, when things started to get better and people started to move and travel again, we started re-proposing the residency – however, here the general conditions, for anyone who should be interested, very, very welcome!!

General information about Arte Utile (AU) Residency for 2 or 4 weeks, – apartment, studio, tools, gallery and lots of curious people!