This exhibition with discussions was, after the ones held at the raum AU, at the Dom starostnikov (home for elderly) Slovenj Gradec, in our Gimnazija Slovenj Gradec as well as at the spaces of PUM-o Slovenj Gradec. In the last of the occasions, we tried to stimulate a debate about how mobility should look like. The motives and debate, in 2018 prepared and discussed at many occasions in Slovenj Gradec would enlarge its radius to the neighbor city Dravograd, where our partnership with the MCD, the local youth center, was flourishing. Yet another common endeavor.
Vlado Nikolič and his Zavod Ekopren as well as Društvo Varno aktivnih poti are worth to be mentioned here, with whom since many years now we have worked in all our projects concerning mobility.
As this was only the third AU process we did test out to communicate different matters, we may once more make clear, that this Azione Utile lead to Mobilc, a service, organized by our city admiration, run by volunteers for our elderly population.