The Skupina Zainteresirani (The group of interested) stood responsible for this common endeavor. As most of the people involved in the group of interested persons a very close to cultural projects and culturally sensitive arguments they all feel connected to the field of culture, not at last as straight forward consumers of good cultural projects.
However, we did not only organize non-formal and open talks, as the one with Janez Markeš, or the endeavors round about the local cultural strategy for the years 2018 – 2021 (Lokalni Program Kulture Mestne Občine Slovenj Gradec 2018 – 2021). On this occasion, we formulated a proper, implementation ready, concept of how to start to adapt a structure in the public administration of our town that points out the specific importance of the field of culture for our city and region.

We did put this proposal forward twice; in April and in September 2017. Unfortunately, the council for non-economic affairs was not very interested in our ideas, the second time we asked them to discuss our proposal at least. They felt in debt to answer, telling us, that both times, they talked about our proposal but the result remained the same. Our proposal seemed a non-relevant one.
Probably we should insist in putting the proposal forward. For now we wait for the right moment, however, here is our proposal in Slovene language, for whom may be interested.