…this project has been in the ambition of raum AU since the beginnings in 2009. Although, through the unusual conditions we demanded an otherwise empty building or space, where to “organize alternative”, as we called our mission in that times. One can say, that we conferred our desires for over one year, in different forms and occasions to finally get a, since years abandoned veterinary-clinic of 120 square-meters, situated on the ground floor. After firming the agreements with the municipality, we were not able to find much funds to start the urgently needed works. In that time ZAV Maribor and NLB bank supported us with some minor financial donations, the major part though came from Kultur Steiermark, who understood very well the important of the ideas of raum AU.
The group of approx. 60 people, more or less actively involved in raum AU, could now, with the materials funded, start their work. Unfortunately, it was in the middle of winter, but also no time to waste. The restauration- and adaption-works lasted from January 2011 until the end of June 2011. All works were done, entirely on a volunteer-base and even by bringing missing materials themselves when needed. It has been probably the most demanding project of the association since it started in late 2009.
These two pictures show a before – after view.
While I did mention the generous and visionary support by our institutionalized financers, I did not mention all of them involved in the working brigades, that so selflessly, sacrificing their spare-time, dedicated more than half a year in this endeavor. It will be hard to remembered everyone, that much details needed special attentions,
… Here all of them we could remember with the humble excuse to the ones no listed and the request to inform us about our lack of attention): Jani Peruš, Marko Kristan aka. Kinaski, Grega Rus, Benjamin Prinat aka Beno, Janja Bartelj, Nuša Stromšek, Tomislav Gangl, Jaka Kotnik, Irena Novinšek, Peter Matvos, Dani Vaupot, Vili Gros, Primož Juvan, Iztok Bartelj, Jure Praper, David Valič, Marjan aka. Hoza, Uroš Borovnik, Roman Novak, Aleš Gangl, Bojan Klančnik, Roko Palir, Katja Felle, all the youngsters and youngsters in mind, … I shameful regret to have forgotten their names that came by from time to time, curious but also helpful, and last no least Rado Carlo Poggi.
David Valič did the looping clip on this post using photographs taken during the first day of working brigades, it documents how everything started…,
Looking at “Prostovoljstvo podira zidove” (Volunteering breaks down walls), the exhibition that welcomed the public on opening-day, June 24, 2011.
The example of POSTAJA RAUM AU, as cultural or otherwise in public interest operating entity, one should demand a supporting hand when conditions are given. Empty spaces are no good for no one!!
This time, the persistence of a small group of people become the basis of many exciting, tempting, provoking, always very constructive and informative projects, to the point to influence on many levels cultural political views and approaches within the local cultural life.
The association MAD (Društvo MAD / Mladi: Alter Društvo) proceeded the same way, some years later, opening the alternative youth center Spajz, a well-known location nowadays. – In-imaginable in the past – bravo raum AU!