Different leftist schools and their practical application

This meeting of interested people, aimed to provide a picture of leftist schools throughout history and geography and a possibility to offer to Anže Razboršek, a young self-taught, enthusiastic student of leftish schools, we knew from the European Creative Camp 017.

We could afford the travel costs; we disposed over spaces and interest in the matter in question. – and there it was, an inquiring talk that started with a presentation that laid out the ideas and motivations of leftist thinking and practical applications of different leftist concepts throughout the world. No wonder that the radical felt ideas we were listening to lead to passionate debates.

Viewed from the perspective of raum AU, I believe events like this are the answer to all questions.

This kind of evening, with open debate, intellectually demanding and interesting for what one gains by participating in them, are the reasons, our association was founded in the first place and are in our view the most important feature spaces like raum AU can offer.

It is always about communication, about discussing and analyzing the here and now with the motivation to make things better – step-by-step. For this step, thank you Anže!

We believe events like this belong in an ordinary everyday offer of a city administration like the one Slovenj Gradec must have. The common public discourse shapes a common community and on the long term dictates the local politics – and therefore the lives of everyone within the community.