First Game Day with KUL Ludek

The idea is simple, but nevertheless a wonderful idea to socialize, train certain skills, games and playing them can teach you and, as Dejan Gumpot put it in an interview he gave on occasion to the start of the cooperation between his KUL Ludek and raum AU: socializing through games away from mobiles and tabs! Who could put it better?

Actually when somewhere throughout the world it is normal to have bars and places where you may play such games, it is not in Slovenj Gradec. Dejan, who comes from neighboring Prevalje is a person we have known for a while now, we even tried starting a similar endeavor in our old POSTAJA, which did not start. I do not remember why?

However, this time, with Aleš Korošec aka. Billy involved as KUL Ludek’s man in Slovenj Gradec we shell get this thing running.

COVID-19 came along and changed things, however, this first edition should not remain the only Game-day, as we did another one in autumn, just before everything closed again, and meeting became impossible.

It obviously went very similar with many of our projects, executed, as long as it still was possible and others somehow transported to virtual waters.

As we dispose of spaces and as we just wait to get going again, for sure this encounter to game will revive again as it will become possible again.

People who are interested in participating – keep following our events on Facebook. Thanks Billy, thanks Dejan …see you soon!