After the very well perceived public talk we held in November 2012 at our POSTAJA raum AU, in which we addressed Peace messenger city – laurels or starting point? There were many, many reactions. We got a newspaper column written by Prof. Andrej Makuc, which once more mixed the public opinions. The radios started talking about Slovenj Gradec and the title Peace Messenger City. However, we liked it and it was exactly what we had in mind as we put together the concept, which grew rapidly into one of our programs. “Preko pogovora do impulza” (Via Conversation to Impulse) should be kept going, there was no real idea at this point, but as our location was not usable any longer, as the cold was too much punishing, we could not seriously think about inviting to another talk.
We found a way and we needed still to hear Prof. Karel Pečko, the man behind the gallery in Slovenj Gradec and, as responsible of the program of the Gallery it was also he, who was responsible that Slovenj Gradec got the title “International Peace Messenger City” in 1989 ( Him and the mayor of Slovenj Gradec, which we thought to hear last, had to be broadcasted somehow.
Dušan Stojanovič, the responsible for Public Relations of the Municipality and therefore Editor in Chief of the TV Channel of the municipality TV SG, became our solution.
We organized a one to one talk with Urška Čerče, a very experienced TV Moderator, in which we went through history, through contemporary critic on how the Gallery is run and on how it could be possible to renew an atmosphere, lots of people in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia and further, have still vividly in mind.
Thanks Daniel Vunderl and Miran Smrtnik for recording and video editing. You can watch the entire talk, just click here.