Kolesarske rajže (BikeJourney) – sustainable mobility action

Again, in occasion of the European Mobility Week 2019 we mobilized lots of people, many pupils from schools and more and more volunteers and simple participants.

Not at least due to the cute ideas we put in place with “Active way to school” or “FootBus“, but also the other project, involving local business enterprises like this one or the coupons-for-bikers.

In this case, for the project “od lokala do lokala – Kolesarske rajže” it were 10 bars, bakeries, pizzerias or other restaurants (all mentioned on the flyer here).

A nice project, which should make its way to a cities standard, as it is so simple and involving. A simple bike journey, planned, on accorded days with a starting point at one gastronomes and biking to the target gastronome. On each end of the journey is a little, prepared program regarding our endeavors and a drink, offered by the respective gastronomes, all part of the project.