Evropski teden mobilnosti 2019 – ‘European Mobility Week 2019, and another of our interventions, which are like mobile workshops, where to talk about mobility, sustainable ways of it.
Again, as most of our projects in this field, we cooperate with Zavod Ekopren and Društvo Varno aktivnih poti and this time with the Prva osnovna šola Slovenj Gradec, one of the two elementary schools in our city.
Our contribution was again of mainly practical and communicational nature; transporting a kind and useful idea into a communicable event, executed properly, followed by a proper communication scheme.
32 volunteers, including our major Tilen Klugler accompanied on eight different routes of a common length of 9km pupils from their homes to school, socializing on the way and talking about how lovely it is to get to school in this way.
Other projects we contributed were the “Aktivna Pot v Šolo” (Active way to school), “od lokala do lokala – kolesarske rajže” (BikeJourney), an action that lasted the entire summer
as well as the lottery for bikers of our city, “In the city – by bike!” (S kolesom v mesto).
All co-production of the non-governmental sector of our city and region and our city administration – that constantly evolves and integrates in certain fields of actions, naturally.