Evropski teden mobilnosti 2020 (ETM 2020) – ‘European Mobility Week 2020, and our innovation of 2019 went to its second round. These walks and mobile workshops are growing to a yearly standard for many pupils of our town. They are always an occasion to socialize differently and bound by a common aim; the meaning of sustainable mobility and their consequences.
Again, as most of our project in the field of mobility up to now, we realized in cooperation with Zavod Ekopren and Društvo Varno aktivnih poti and this time with the Druga osnovna šola Slovenj Gradec, one of the two elementary schools in our city.
Many responsible citizens volunteered, including our mayor Tilen Klugler and they accompanied on different routes pupils from their homes to school. The principle remains the same, a good walk and a good talk!
Judging from the numbers of participants, we must say that this project improved by quite some margin.
As the project “S kolesom v mesto” also this one is already in its second edition and both will probably become a standard of our non-formal educational landscape. (S kolesom v mesto 2019, PešBus 2019)
This year we added the Foot Guideposts, which will remain and become permanent.