Evropski teden mobilnosti 2020 – ‘European Mobility Week 2020. While in 2018 we participated big time with our Azione Utile – Javni Prevoz – Mobilnost Prihodnosti, we took part in 2019 by co-organizing for the first time the PešBus (FootBus), the project “Aktivna Pot v Šolo” (Active way to school) as well as “od lokala do lokala – kolesarske rajže” (BikeJourney), an action which lasted the entire summer.
This year the projects motor was “Vlado”, the director of Zavod Ekopren, other partners were Društvo Varno aktivnih poti and raum AU, next to the supporting entities. All partners of the project were promoted in our promotional poster, as each year a standardized edition, used all over Europe (view it here).
In the gallery below you can see pictures of the closing event with the closing lottery, held at the closure of the European Mobility Week 2020, which in no way was the only activity we contributed for our community.
This year we realized also the second edition of PešBus and as of speaking of the lottery, it was held for the second time as well. We added a series of fixed public installations on the footpaths of the city, spraying guide signs all over the city area, the Peš Kazipot (Foot Guidepost).
The lottery went well, although the news from the newly awakening COVID-19 virus did hold back people to attend. The coupons collected however almost doubled in comparison to S kolesom v mesto 2019.

In conclusion, this example of projects constantly growing into a program of engagement for sustainable mobility in Slovenj Gradec, are a commendable example of how the force of innovation from the non-governmental sector, combined with the administrative and financial capacities of the public sphere can contribute constructively, generating a new and different “normal”.
In raum AU we like this work as we see lots of benefits in this non-formal ways of education and we obviously thank all of the involved businesses of the city center, named here.