Int. Graffiti- and Street Art Festival STYRIA 2017

This, STYRIA 2017 is the fifth edition of this International Graffiti- and Street-Art Festival and was held in summer 2017. Even when the idea of us, organizers was to unite our both creative festivals STYRIA and VOICES to create one big Schools’Out Creative Festival, we did not get the green light besides our financing entities. What brought us back to Fürstenfeld, where after purifying talks with the city responsibles past differences were buried and new alliances conceived. Lead partners of this Festivals was Future Icons e.V., participants and content was contributed by Körmendi Kulturális Központ from Hungary and us, raum AU, who brought in our expertise and participants from all parts of Slovenia.
While many Street Artists from different EU member states were present, they were in big parts working on their own creations around the city and on big billboards, SizeTwo from Graz, Austria held an amazing workshop, inspiring the entire group to put down a collective artwork.

A big writing, SOCIAL PEACE, which has been the argument in matter at this encounter, was the idea, to be created on an approximately 20 to 25 meter long wall, vis-a-vis of the main entrance of our former host, the Jufa Fuerstenfeld, where already other works, during past STYRIA editions, where realized.

This year’s edition was different, as we camped in tents and did not stay at the youth hostel. The working spaces formally located in an old, abandoned industrial building were now somehow all around the city.

It was therefore a much more improvised youth encounter, where the evenings were reserved for common talks around the fire and later on mostly a song or two with the obligatory guitar, which never missed.

The camping site disposed of an adjacent building where workshops and discussions could be held appropriately, also most of the Festival did happen during marvelous weather, literally in the green. See yourself in our fly-through on the raum AU youtube channel.