In occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, as Rado Carlo Poggi worked in some occasion with the Cuban Embassy in Vienna, we were able to invite one of three, today two still living revolutionaries that fought with Che Guevara also in Bolivia. Tamayo Núñez, aka. Capitan URBANO had just finished consulting filmmaker Steven Soderberg doing the life-story about Che Guevara, and whom we got to know at the premiere screening in Austria of the first part of the 4 hours epos, Che: El Argentino.
The idea to come for a lecture about revolution and a talk in the city of Slovenj Gradec, which was at that time at the presidency of the International Association of Peace Messenger Cities ( was enthusiastically received by Cuban Ambassador Norma Goicochea Estenoz and so it happened, that we started organizing the event for late June 2009.
As a collective, not yet formally registered, we thought, this event could become the first to evoke feedback of a national character. For who does not remember, in 2009 Europe found itself in a major financial crisis, the idea to make a revolution more comprehensible was an additional guarantee to gather interest and to present, just along the way, also the ideas and ambitions of raum AU.
Besides the event, which was very well received and created quite interesting debates, we could make it possible for Slovenian director and philosopher Jadran Sterle to record an interview for one of his projects. The next morning we visited with the Cuban delegation together with the artist Pino Poggi the Paučkova Partizanska Bolnica (Partisan Hospital from WWII), where also Capitano Urbano left his Homage to our freedom fighters.