Timm Ulrichs: Welt im Wohnzimmer (World within the Living Room) – presentation and talks

The publication itself was published by the German publishing house Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg and bears texts in German and English. It can be found under the ISBN 978-3-941185-87-6 and it reproduces the work of Timm Ulrichs, done in occasion of the necessary discourse on hysteria in Slovenj Gradec, in late 2008.

Rado Carlo Poggi as well as Matthias Reichelt wrote texts about the artwork and the artist and a series of 50 TV-sets, photographed by Marko Kovač, all from private persons in and around Slovenj Gradec. This fact, more than three-quarter of the book have their origins here, did also bring us to this improvised project. Timm Ulrichs wanted to encounter the people, whose TV-sets are to be found within this book of his “Welt im Wohnzimmer” – series.

After we reconstructed our journey from 2008 and we were able to take appointments for encounters, some weeks had passed, but finally, between February 11 and February 13, we invited Timm Ulrichs and we went to visit about 40 people.

This series of encounters were very charming. Timm Ulrichs, himself a wonderful and inspiring character, was very glad that we could trace most of the people that, more than one year ago, allowed us to take pictures of their TV-sets. Most of the people were firstly surprised, but all very, very happy that such attention was reserved for them.

For our association this meant another participation in a
publication, to find around the globe and which documented the engaged nature of our existence.